Find all Wordle words which match the pattern _TA_E. Wordle clues for 'blank ta blank e'.
We've made a study to relate word frequency, letter frequency and distinct letters.
The best starting wordle words should have at least three vowels, a high letter frequency and should not have repeating letters.
So, based on these criteria, and using about 12.000 5-letter words, we've created the following word list.
uraei, aurei, ourie, louie, adieu, auloi, audio, miaou, ouija, irate, retia, terai, raine, orate, roate, oater, tenia, entia, tinea, raise, reais, arise, serai, aesir, oaten, atone, raile, ariel, aeros, arose, soare, irone, realo, telia, anise, isnae, saine, toeas, stoae, anile, alien, elain, liane, aline, erica, areic, ceria, aeons, osier, anole, alone, ocrea, oriel, reoil, oiler, toise, aisle, eniac, coate, toile, teloi, eosin, noise, aider, redia, deair, aired, irade, aloes, ocean, canoe, olein, eloin, paire, perai, urate, maire, aimer, rimae, ramie, oared, adore, oread, ariot, ratio, porae, opera, pareo, urena, saice, noria, morae, pieta, diane, daine, ileac, solei, potae, minae, amine, uteri, urite, anode, erbia, paeon, aures, urase and ureas
We've solved most of the matches of the Wordle game, as well as other Wordle-like games using this word list in combination with our wordle solver above.