How many points in Scrabble is props worth? props how many points in Words With Friends? What does props mean? Get all these answers on this page.
See how to calculate how many points for props.
Is props a Scrabble word?
Yes. The word props is a Scrabble US word. The word props is worth 9 points in Scrabble:
Is props a Scrabble UK word?
Yes. The word props is a Scrabble UK word and has 9 points:
Is props a Words With Friends word?
Yes. The word props is a Words With Friends word. The word props is worth 11 points in Words With Friends (WWF):
You can make 15 words from props according to the Scrabble US and Canada dictionary.
props rpops porps oprps ropps orpps prpos rppos ppros ppros rppos prpos poprs opprs ppors ppors opprs poprs ropps orpps rpops props oprps porps prosp rposp porsp oprsp ropsp orpsp prsop rpsop psrop sprop rspop srpop posrp opsrp psorp sporp osprp soprp rospp orspp rsopp sropp osrpp sorpp prpso rppso pprso pprso rppso prpso prspo rpspo psrpo sprpo rsppo srppo ppsro ppsro pspro sppro pspro sppro rpspo prspo rsppo srppo psrpo sprpo popsr oppsr pposr pposr oppsr popsr pospr opspr psopr spopr osppr soppr ppsor ppsor pspor sppor pspor sppor opspr pospr osppr soppr psopr spopr ropsp orpsp rposp prosp oprsp porsp rospp orspp rsopp sropp osrpp sorpp rpsop prsop rspop srpop psrop sprop opsrp posrp osprp soprp psorp sporp
Note: these 'words' (valid or invalid) are all the permutations of the word props. These words are obtained by scrambling the letters in props.
(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)
From proper, as in "proper respect" or "proper recognition".
props pl (plural only)
Borrowed from English props.
props m inan