How many points in Scrabble is eatery worth? eatery how many points in Words With Friends? What does eatery mean? Get all these answers on this page.
See how to calculate how many points for eatery.
Is eatery a Scrabble word?
Yes. The word eatery is a Scrabble US word. The word eatery is worth 9 points in Scrabble:
Is eatery a Scrabble UK word?
Yes. The word eatery is a Scrabble UK word and has 9 points:
Is eatery a Words With Friends word?
Yes. The word eatery is a Words With Friends word. The word eatery is worth 8 points in Words With Friends (WWF):
You can make 71 words from eatery according to the Scrabble US and Canada dictionary.
From eat + -ery.
eatery (plural eateries)